Das Kranzbach is surrounded by nature – there are only fields, forests and mountains. In our documentary on the subject ‘Forest Therapy’ you will learn from our medical doctor Dr. Christine Müller the interesting healing effects of the forest.
It has been scientifically proven, that spending time in nature – and especially in the forest – is essentially for relaxation and recuperation. As well as oxygen the trees dispense a scent and ethereal oils (Terpene). Supplementary smells from the earth, funguses, flowers, moss, leaves and resins, as well as the fresh forest air all have a positive effect on our psychological and physical health. A one hour walk in the forest helps to reduce the blood pressure, heart frequency and the distribution of adrenalin. In addition, the lung capacity is increased and the arteries become more elastic.
"Waldtherapie - Waldbaden"
Die Geräusche der Natur erleben
Positive Wirkung auf den Körper
Der gesundheitsfördernde »Kranzbach«-Wald
The sounds of nature and the calmness in the forest have a soothing effect. You will find it easier to replace your inner unrest with peaceful thoughts. Your thoughts will become clearer and your problems more easily solved.
As you move through the forest your body interacts with the terpene in the highest constitutional way. Breathing in specific Terpene produces so-called, ‘killer cells’ (a form of leukocyte). Our immune system is therefore strengthened and we are better protected against infection.
To ‚bathe in the forest‘ you must not go far. Directly above the »Kranzbach« treehouse, we provide for you a special forest atmosphere.
Die besondere Waldatmosphäre
Positive Wirkung auf das Immunsystem
Entspannung & Erholung im »Kranzbach«-Wald
We recommend:
Go out in the fresh air – whatever the weather. After rain or when it is cloudy there is a lot of healthy terpene in the forest air.
After spending one day in the forest, the number of these natural killer cells in the blood has risen by almost 40%.The effect lasts seven days. After a stay of three days in a forestry area this effect lasts up to 30 days.*
*Clemens G. Arvay, Der Biophilia Effekt – Heilung aus dem Wald, edition a Verlag, Wien 2015
Yoga and Meditation platform
The platform (approx. 90m²) is built with local larch wood. The sub-construction is made from spruce trunks which were dragged into the forest clearing by horses. During the construction no metal nails were used but instead nails made from wood. Yoga in the forest is a special experience. Our Yoga instructors accompany you to the yoga session on the platform.
Forest therapy – the healing effect of the forest
Our medical doctor Dr. Christine Müller will accompany you in the »Kranzbach« forest and explain from a medical perspective the effect of the forest on the human health. You can find these appointments in our Active and Relaxation program.
Nature and forest hikes
The nature guide Franz Schropp will lead you over mountain meadows and along forest paths to the most beautiful places that surround us. He will charmingly pass on to you his in-depth knowledge and understanding about nature and in particular information about the local forests. The surrounding nature will be experienced with all senses; e.g. moving through the forest barefoot, collecting fir cones, picking flowers and tasting herbs. You can find these appointments in our Active and Relaxation program.
In conclusion, you will experience in Kranzbach whilst you, ‚bathe in the forest‘ a health stay, that until now, you did not realise the benefits.